Custom Backing Tracks

Custom backing tracks for musicians, bands, duos, solo artists or any other production or performance.

Quality Assurance

Our tracks are made with care and are not compromised in any way. Quality is assured by taking the appropiate time and applying the right skills to produce the track you require.

Real Musicians

To distance ourselves from the mainstream karaoke market we use real instruments performed by our skilled musicians. This is enhanced using cutting edge sample libraries and the latest virtual instruments.

Final Product

A Custom Backing Tracks account will be created for you and you will be able to download your tracks directly from the website. Tracks can be supplied in any format.

Promo Video

Audio Demos

Chasin' That Neon Rainbow
Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born)
Forget Me Nots
Drink Up Thy Zider
Deja Vu
Early Morning Rain
All My Loving
Me and Bobby McGee
Phresh Out The Runway


If you require chords charts or other transcriptions for a peice of music we can supply them either for the tracks we've created or tracks you send us.

Stem Packs

Stems are the individual instrument parts within a track. Each stem is provided as a 24bit WAV file. A click track and tempo information is supplied with the pack. You can then import these files into your DAW or other device.

Click Tracks

If you need a click track along with the backing track we can place a custom click in either the left or right channel with the music in the opposite side allowing you to split the output.




Alan Parker

Hi, the track is terrific! thanks so much!

Leslie Kyler

This is great, many thanks

Sergio Toffoloni

Yes I like it

Anna Webster

Price Guide

Tracks may vary in cost dependant on complexity, a definitive price will be supplied as a quote when making a Track Request.

  • Basic pop/rock track £80
  • Complex layered pop/rock track £130
  • Detailed track with orchestration £170

Get A Quote

Simply use the track request tool and you will recieve a quote shortly afterwards